AECOsim Building Designer Help

To Draw an Offset Edge onto a Face of a Solid

  1. Select the Draw on Solid tool.
  2. Select the Offset Edges icon.
  3. Select Method > Loop.
  4. Type in a value for the offset Distance.
  5. Select the target solid.
  6. Select a face or an edge.

    The edge loop becomes highlighted, and AccuDraw is oriented perpendicular to the selected edge (or nearest edge to selection point on a face).

  7. Move AccuDraw slightly to select the offset direction (inside or outside).

    Left: Edges are offset inward when AccuDraw points towards the inside the selected edge. Right: Edges are offset outward when AccuDraw points towards the outside the selected edge.

    Tip: Offset edges may be drawn off the solid, however they become separate elements.
  8. Accept (with a data point click) to draw the offset edges.
    Tip: Lines offset away from the solid may be used for extruding additional solids. Any extrusion made from these offsets is not part of the original solid, but may be used in a Boolean operation to unite the two solids.